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  • Writer's pictureJTOPS

Trick or Treat?

We all know October brings fall, pumpkin spice everything and Halloween…BUT did you know it is also National Physical Therapy Month? October is a great opportunity to increase awareness of all the profession has to offer, and also increase appreciation for all the hard work our Physical therapists and assistants really do!

Join us in a little Did you know?, Physical Therapy style, to make sure you aren’t being tricked and can come to us to be treated!

Did you know?

A Physical Therapist can treat a wide range of conditions including brain and spinal cord injuries, orthopedic, pre/post-operative rehab, chronic pain and general weakness/deconditioning.

Did you know?

If you are feeling Dizzy…Physical Therapists are trained in treating a condition called “vertigo” a spinning sensation triggered by quickly moving head.

Did you know?

Physical Therapists set you up for success…but the work you do at home after is the most important part of recovery.

Did you know?

By seeing a Physical Therapist you may be able to avoid surgery…PT can assist in reducing pain and increase mobility. If surgery is required recovery time may be quicker because your muscles are stronger pre surgery.

Did you know?

Most people refer to PT as “Pain and Torture” however, physical therapy focuses on reducing pain and increasing functional mobility in a pain free range. If you feel pain and torture you are seeing the wrong PT.

Did you know?

According to the APTA “30 minutes of ‘Acute’ Exercise Temporarily Boosts Memory-Related Brain Activity, Strengthens Brain Over Time. Click the link to learn more.

If you are interested in how physical therapy can help you, please give us a call!


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